Saturday, December 19, 2009

I am a Man and my hair is tinning on the top what shampoo would be good for me I am a mixed wit black/Indian?

thermasilk..but its not going to make your hair stop just will help your hair get healthier..or use the pantene pro-v in the brown bottle...I am a Man and my hair is tinning on the top what shampoo would be good for me I am a mixed wit black/Indian?
just go bald fade like Tony Parker, Kevin Garnette.

my husband went bald early at 26 so now he rocks the bald college fade and its sexy on him he looks good its sexy and i can't keep my hands off of him .

- but if you don't like my advice try this product: DR. MIRACLES HAIRCARE LINE


An if you have a Sally's Beauty Supply in your town

at WAL*MART is the ethnic haircare aisle its not just for women the relaxers are for women but the other products are for everyone.

but believe me women love men with a bald headI am a Man and my hair is tinning on the top what shampoo would be good for me I am a mixed wit black/Indian?
My brother started Rogaine a few years ago and it seems to have helped. And it looks like you can get it without a prescription now.

I know it must be hard to lose your hair, but that doesn't mean you're becoming unattractive. Trust me -- my husband's completely bald and he looks awesome!
Nioxin stage 2. It's available in a lot of places.. Trade Secret, Mastercuts, etc. It's not sold at Walmart/Target, etc. It's specially formulated for thinning hair.

My mother %26amp; I both had thinning hair due to hormone problems and this shampoo has turned that around. It does take awhile though.. not overnight.. but probably within 6 months.

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