This is a tricky question by all means, because everyone is going to disagree. My own thoughts are that I normally don't do it if I know that the product is going to smell good. However, if it looks bunk of course I am going to smell it, because why would I spend money on something that smells like a musty old house? As for those who say it's gross to open and smell than I guess noone should smell the candles at Yankee Candle before buying them, or squeeze produce at the market, or try on clothes at the store to make sure they get the point. These all spread germs too. Let's not get overtly ridiculous. =P I say sniff away.Is it OK to open the top of scented shampoo/soap to smell before you buy?
Sure, why not?
It's your right to smell out the goods before you buy it, provided its not a package of milk (lol!).
It's how I buy all my stuff! Shampoos, moisturizers, candles, conditioners, car fresheners, EVERYTHING!
The way I see it is that the seal is there for a reason. That reason is to keep the soap fresh and sanitary, remove the seal, and the product is no longer in ';new'; condition. I could see why those selling the item could have a problem with that. It makes others not want to buy and could lower the sales.
Yes, but keep your nose a decent distance from the rim of the bottle.
I think it's fine as long as you don't touch your nose on the bottle or otherwise use some of the product.
Unless the bottle is marked ';Sample'; or ';Try me';. Really how gross are you? I don't want to buy a product that your dirty little fingers have contaiminated. Gross.
You have a right to know what you're buying BEFORE you buy it -- keep opening the bottles; and if people treat you poorly ask to speak with a manager.
NEVER! I've seen so many people do that and many actually touch their nose to the container, which could spread germs.
I do that all of the time. I don't see anything wrong with it as long as you don't break and plastic seals or otherwise damage the product or its packaging.
I don't see anything wrong with it.
its ok to open them provided there is a TESTER bottle.if you want to smell something sealed, ask the saleslady.
It's absolutely okay to open a product to smell it first... the problem from the store clerks point-of-view are the idiots that open an item, remove it from it's packaging, sample it, then throw the entire opened up mess back on the shelf... then grab a new un-opened one and go on their merry way!
Always! I love smelling shampoos and body washes prior to purchasing them. I need to know what I might smell like! And I don't crack the seals either...duh!
I do, I want to make sure I get the scent I pay for and that I like it because certain brands of soap and shampoo smell different even though its ';suppose'; to be the same scent.
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